E-mailer Basic Script

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Menu driven e-mailer. Sens emails from Second Life. Menu asks Address, Subject and Message to write in local chat.

// Menu driven e-mailer. Sens emails from Second Life. Menu asks Addresse, Subject and Message to write in local chat.

//...........One Way Email Terminal..........
//.......Originally written by Doc Nerd......

// This Script is distributed under the terms  of the modified BSD license, reproduced at the end of the script.
// The license and acknowledgments listed must be included if this script is redistributed in a  non-readable or non-modifiable form.
// Retrieved from from Free SL Scripts on http://www.freeSLscripts.com or www.gendersquare.org/sl

//..........Variable Block..........
key senderKey;
string senderName;
string eMail;
string subject;
string bodyText;
list sendButtons = ["Yes", "No"];
list writeButtons;
string removeButton;
integer i;

//..........Modules Block..........

//..........Modules for writing each part of email..........
    llListen(0, "", senderKey, ""); //Listen to what the user says.
    llSay(0, "Please say the address of whom you are sending your email."); //Tell them what to say.
    llSetTimerEvent(30); //Give them 30 seconds to say it.

    llListen(0, "", senderKey, ""); //Listen to what the user says.
    llSay(0, "Please say the subject of your email."); //Tell them what to say.
    llSetTimerEvent(30); //Give them 30 seconds to say it.

    llListen(0, "", senderKey, ""); //Listen to what the user says.
    llSay(0, "Please say the message you would like to send."); //Tell them what to say.
    llSetTimerEvent(120); //Give them 120 seconds (2 minutes) to say it.

//..........Modules to remove buttons already used in llDialog menu..........
    i = llListFindList(writeButtons, ["Address"]); //Find "Address" button in list.
    writeButtons = llDeleteSubList(writeButtons, i, i); //Remove it where it's found.

    i = llListFindList(writeButtons, ["Subject"]); //Find "Subject" button in list.
    writeButtons = llDeleteSubList(writeButtons, i, i); //Remove it where it's found.


    i = llListFindList(writeButtons, ["Message"]); //Find "Message" button in list.
    writeButtons = llDeleteSubList(writeButtons, i, i); //Remove it where it's found.

//..........Running script block..........
        llSetObjectName("Nerd Gadgets Emailer 100"); //Makes sure the object is called the Nerd Gadgets Emailer 100.
        writeButtons = ["Address", "Subject", "Message"]; //Sets the llDialog buttons.
        llListen(67895, "", senderKey, "Yes"); //Activate listeners.
        llListen(67895, "", senderKey, "No");

    touch_start(integer total_number)
        senderKey = llDetectedKey(0); //Detects who's touching it, to get a raw key.
        senderName = llKey2Name(llDetectedKey(0)); //Detects who's touching it, to get a name.
        llDialog(senderKey, "Greetings " + senderName + ", would you like to send an email?", sendButtons, 67895); //Do you like me? Y/N
    listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string message)
        if(message == "Yes") //Starts email writing process.
            llSay(0, "Currently being used by " + senderName + "."); //Tells area who's using terminal.
            state emailer;
        if(message == "No") //Thank you, come again.
            llSay(0, "Thank you " + senderName + ", for using the " + llGetObjectName());

state emailer
        if(writeButtons == []) //Check to see if there's anything left to write in the email.
            state sendMail; //If not, move to sending module.
        llListen(67895, "", senderKey, "Address"); //Activate listeners.
        llListen(67895, "", senderKey, "Subject");
        llListen(67895, "", senderKey, "Message");
        llSetTimerEvent(30); //Gives user 30 seconds to choose a part to write...
        llSay(0, "You have 30 seconds to choose."); //Informs user they have 30 seconds to choose.
        llSetText("In use, please wait.", <255,0,0>, .1); //Gives visual cue to others that no one else can use it right now.
        llDialog(senderKey, "What part of your message would you like to write?", writeButtons, 67895); //Selection button GUI.
    listen(integer channgel, string name, key id, string message)
        if(message == "Address") //Select "Address" button.
            state addressWrite; //Enter address writing state.
        else if(message == "Subject") //Select "Subject" button.
            state subjectWrite; //Enter subject writing state.
        else if(message == "Message") //Select "Message" button.
            state messageWrite; //SEnter message writing state.
    timer() //After 30 seconds are up, time out, and return to default state.
        llSay(0, "User has failed to select option in time. Unit is now available for use or retry.");
        llSetText("",<0,0,0>, 0); //Removes floating text.
        state default;

state addressWrite
        writeAddress(); //Start address writing module.
    listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string message)
        eMail = message; //Save message user said.
        removeButton = "Address"; //Set variable for button removal.
        state remainButton; //Enter button removal process state.
    timer() //After 30 seconds are up, time out, and return to selection state.
        llSay(0, "User has failed to enter information quickly enough. Please try again.");
        state emailer;

state subjectWrite
        writeSubject(); //Start subject writing module.
    listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string message)
        subject = message; //Save message user said.
        removeButton = "Subject"; //Set variable for button removal.
        state remainButton; //Enter button removal process state.
    timer() //After 30 seconds are up, time out, and return to selection state.
        llSay(0, "User has failed to enter information quickly enough. Please try again.");
        state emailer;

state messageWrite
        writeBody(); //Start message writing module.
    listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string message)
        bodyText = message; //Save what the user said.
        removeButton = "Message"; //Set variable for button removal.
        state remainButton; //Enter button removal process state.
    timer() //After 120 seconds (2 minutes) are up, time out, and return to selection state.
        llSay(0, "User has failed to enter information quickly enough. Please try again.");
        state emailer;

state remainButton //Removing buttons from a list SUCKS!
        if(removeButton == "Address") //Removes "Address" button.
            state emailer;
        else if(removeButton == "Subject") //Removes "Subject" button.
            state emailer;
        else if(removeButton == "Message") //Removes "Message" button.
            state emailer;

state sendMail
        llListen(67895, "", senderKey, "Yes"); //Starts listeners.
        llListen(67895, "", senderKey, "No");
        llSay(0, "Your email reads as the followed:"); //Spews out the actual email message.
        llSay(0, eMail);
        llSay(0, subject);
        llSay(0, bodyText);
        llDialog(senderKey, "Do you wish to send this message?", sendButtons, 67895); //Do you like me? Y/N
    listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string message)
        if(message == "Yes") //You like me! You really like me!
            llSay(0, "I hope you don't mind " + senderName + ", but I will have to assume your name for a moment to send this email."); //Tell user the terminal will change it's name for proper "From" headings in inbox.
            llSay(0, "Your email will be sent in 20 seconds."); //Tells user email will be sent in 20 seconds (delay of llEmail function call to script).
            llSay(0, "Thank you " + senderName + ", for using the " + llGetObjectName()); //Thank you, come again.
            llSetText("", <0,0,0>, 0); //Removes "busy signal".
            llSetObjectName(senderName); //Change to user's name.
            llEmail(eMail, subject, bodyText); //Send that damn thing already!
            state default; //Return to normal.
        else if(message == "No") //You don't like me? *emo tear*
            llSay(0, "Thank you " + senderName + ", for using the " + llGetObjectName()); //Thank you, come again.
            llSetText("", <0,0,0>, 0); //Removes "busy signal".
            state default; //Return to normal.

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